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Celebrate and Course Correct

Writer's picture: Nadia Ballantine & Carol LynchNadia Ballantine & Carol Lynch

As we approach mid-term 2 and mid 2024 we thought it would be timely to check-in and support leaders to make space to celebrate progress, wins and successes and “course correct” as you plan ahead.


Recently we’ve been influenced by:

-Our reading and reflections of Leading to the North East by Russell Bishop

-Variable In/By Design; The variable nature of curriculum design and instructional materials in Aotearoa New Zealand Schools by Nina Hood and The Education Hub.

-Recent school visits to Brisbane, Australia and Auckland.


Below are some provocations that might challenge and influence your thinking as you continue leading the curriculum refresh in your kura. What resonates most and could be used with your staff?


“The closer the leader is to the ‘action’, the more effective they are” Leading To The North East.


 “Middle leaders are crucial to supporting teacher learning and development...they need to be freed up to reorientate their focus to leading teacher learning and development”. Page 147 Leading To The North East.


“We also know from John Hattie’s meta-analyses that the process of monitoring the impact of their teaching practices on student outcomes is best taken collaboratively with other teachers, and preferably led by a ‘knowledgeable’ other” Pg 12 Learning To The North East


”Teachers need a coach and coaches need a curriculum.” Laurayne Tafa - Leading for Equity


”We need routines and practices that allow teachers to focus on examining their pedagogical approaches.” Laurayne Tafa - Leading for Equity


“With respect to curriculum, arguably, the greatest impact comes from teachers being able to spend more time thinking about and actioning how to most effectively teach the curriculum to their students, rather than designing and resourcing the curriculum”. Variable In/By Design. 


“Reading, writing and mathematics is wellbeing” Primary School, Australia


“We want our students to be good at learning and good at life” Fortitude Valley High Brisbane

“Current and next practice, rather than best practice” Fortitude Valley High Brisbane


“Ensure all teachers have access to quality instructional materials that map onto the curriculum and provide rich learning opportunities for students, and build teachers’ knowledge of what makes high quality instructional materials and rigorous tasks”.  Variable In/By Design. 

All the best for the second half of the term.

Ngā mihi 

Carol and Nadia


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