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Get Out

Writer's picture: Nadia Ballantine & Carol LynchNadia Ballantine & Carol Lynch

We’d like to thank you for your survey feedback. We really appreciate the time taken to share your thoughts. They will influence our actions moving forward. 

A model we have picked up recently is the 'notice - recognise - respond' model and our current innovation project is an opportunity to put this into practice. 

Notice = Gather voice, deeply notice, get out, be intentional (our survey, observations, trends)

Recognise = Sense make, plan (this is where we’re working now)

Respond = Develop and implement (to come; we’ll keep you posted) 

This term we’ve been proactive in “getting out”; learning from others and seeing what’s possible. Our recent trip to Auckland has inspired, challenged and motivated us in the leadership space. Here is an insight or provocation from each of the schools we visited.

Stonefields School - Tumuaki: Sarah Martin

Strategic leadership

Do you know your leadership ‘why’?

Have you defined how your leadership team functions and how you spend your time? 

Pigeon Mountain - Tumuaki: Ian Dickinson


The use of peer video coaching processes. 

Richmond Road - Tumuaki School: Jacqui Yearsley


This state school has four bilingual pathways; Māori, Samoan, French and English (the Kiwi Connection). A really unique organisational structure where culture counts. 

Our words of encouragement are - get out! A cost effective form of PLD that will challenge, affirm, provoke and inspire action; giving you the courage to try something new. When was the last time you took your team out for a visit? 

Letting you know that Penny Snedden from Pahiatua School was the winner of our survey draw. A bag of goodies is heading her way. 

We appreciate and celebrate the amazing leadership that we work alongside everyday; influencing improvement, navigating human relationships, being strategic and keeping the main thing-teaching and learning- at the forefront. 

Go well into the holidays. 

Ngā mihi 

Carol and Nadia


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