Definition: Courage - the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty without fear.
As the term unfolds a timely reminder that you have the tools and skills to have the conversations that matter. The tools and provocations that we’ll share this month, you might also draw on during your coaching of others as you empower your people to act.
Question Prompts:
How might we move forward from here?
How would you know were ready? …this was going well?
How would you like it to be different?
How could we be proactive about this?
Tool: Self-coaching
What can I do?
What can I stop doing?
What’s the fast thing to do?
What’s the easiest thing to do?
What’s the brave thing to do?
Question Prompts:
Help me understand…
Let’s look at what…
What do we need to consider?
What could this look like from …. perspective?
How could we look at this a different way?
What options do we see?
How have we managed this successfully in the past?
Tool: See - Think - Wonder
Approach conversations as a curious colleague.
Question Prompts:
I can see this is a challenge for you. Can you help me understand…
Tell me more about…
What do you think you need?
What I’m hearing is…
Do you mean…?
So are you saying that…?
Tool: Judgement____________________________________________________________ Understanding
He aha te kai a te rangatira? He Korero, he korero, he korero.
What is the food of leaders? It is communication.
Aroha-Dr Hinemoa Elder
Remember you can do it!
Have a positive remainder to term 3.
Carol & Nadia
Acknowledging the images from Liz Fosslien and her work around emotions.